
TMC16 Participant Blogs

Page history last edited by Jessica Rice 8 years, 7 months ago

Justin Aion

Re-Learning To Teach

Bryan Anderson

Food for Thought…

Matt Baker

Pythagoras was a Nerd

Lisa Bejarano

Crazy Math Teacher Lady

Kathryn Belmonte

i is a number

Joel Bezaire


Anna Blinstein

Borscht With Anna

Stacia Boatwright

Life of an Academic Technologist

Debbie Boden

Yes, But Why?

Jessica Bogie


Mary Bourassa

M^3 (Making Math Meaningful)

Which One Doesn’t Belong?

Stephanie Bowyer

…Except Math Teachers

Jennifer Brackney

Middle School

Andrew Browning-Couch

Social Inequalities

Brian Bushart

Teaching to the Beat of a Different Drummer

Tina Cardone

Drawing on Math

Nix the Tricks

Nicholas Chan

Big Honkin’ WordPress

Jonathan Claydon

Infinite Sums

James Cleveland

The Roots of the Equation

Meg Craig

Insert Clever Math Pun Here

Christopher Danielson

Overthinking My Teaching

Talking Math With Your Kids

Jim Doherty

A Portrait of a Math Teacher as an Aging Man

Megan Dubee

Life in the (i)Lab

Ann Durham

Day by Day

Sadie Estrella

Who’s a Math Nerd? *Raising Hand*

Jennifer Fairbanks

8 Is My Lucky Number

Julia Finneyfrock

Designated Deriver

Graham Fletcher

Questioning My Metacognition

Kristen Fouss


Kathryn Freed

Restructuring Algebra

Andrew Gael

The Learning Kaleidoscope

John Golden

Math Hombre

Kristin Gray

Math Minds

Amy Gruen

Square Root of Negative One Teach Math

Tom Hall


Edmund Harriss

Maxwell’s Demon

Patterns of the Universe Coloring Book

Connie Haugneland

My Life Belongs to Him


Approximately Normal Experiences in Math

Lisa Henry

An “Old Math Dog” Learning New Tricks

Anna Hester

Type-A Mathland

Mary Hibbs

How I See Geometry

Alice Hsiao

Alice Hsiao

Bob Janes


Dylan Kane

Five Twelve Thirteen

Judy Keeney

3 Yellow Sand Pails

Rachel Kernodle

Sonata Mathematique

Heather Kohn

Growing Exponentially

Nathan Kraft

Nathan Kraft’s Blog

Mr. Kraft’s Wikispace

Paula Krieg

Playful Bookbinding and Paper Works

Judy Larsen

Judy Larsen

Chris Luzniak

CLopen Mathdebater

Sarah Martin

Math is a Journey

Audrey McLaren


Wendy Menard

Her Mathness

Brian Miller

Differentiating Differentiation

Elissa Miller


Melynee Naegele

mNm Math

Michelle Naidu

Between Me and the Door

Kate Nowak

Function of Time

Anya Ostapczuk

Teaching in Special Education

Alex Overwijk

Slam Dunk Math

Adam Paape

Renewed Curiosity

Jami Packer


Brian Palacios

Lazy Ocho

Tina Palmer

Palmer’s Ponderings

Nicole Paris

Inventing the Orangamellow

David Petersen

Long Tails of \int_e^r est

Andy Pethan

Fail Early and Often

Henri Picciotto

My Math Education Blog

Max Ray-Riek

The Max Ray Blog

Julie Reulbach

I Speak Math

Danielle Reycer

Math Teacher Nerds

Jessica Rice Navigating the World around Me

Tony Riehl

Math We Can Use

Malke Rosenfeld

Math in Unexpected Spaces

Math in Your Feet

Heather Rosson


Jamie Rykse

Just Your Standard Deviation

David Sabol

The Rational Radical

Mark Sanford

Not an Ordinary Day

Renee Schley

Live Long and Learn

Megan Schmidt

Number Lovin’ Beagle

Jonathan Schoolcraft

Algebracraft: The Tales of a Rural High School Math Teacher

Joe Schwartz

Exit 10A

Sameer Shah

Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere

Denis Sheeran

Denis Sheeran

Chris Shore

The Math Projects Journal

Elizabeth Statmore

Cheesemonkey Wonders

Sean Sweeney

Sweeney Math

Gregory Taylor

Mathie x Pensive

Any ~Qs

Paula Torres

P Torres Blogger

Sara VanDerWerf

Sara VanDerWerf

Sue VanHattum

Math Mama Writes

Sara Vaughn


Jose Vilson


Glenn Waddell


Marissa Walczak

La Vie Mathematique

Jasmine Walker


Lane Walker

Math-World Liason

David Wees

The Reflective Educator

Pam Wilson

The Radical Rational…

Peter Wilson Becoming the Best You Can Be

Lisa Winer

Eat Play Math

Stephanie Woldum

Mrs. Woldum, I love Algebra!

Julie Wright

Sad Armadillo

Tracy Zager

Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You Had

Amy Zimmer

Ms. Z Teaches in Mathland



Justin Aion

Re-Learning To Teach

Bryan Anderson

Food for Thought…

Matt Baker

Pythagoras was a Nerd

Lisa Bejarano

Crazy Math Teacher Lady

Kathryn Belmonte

i is a number

Joel Bezaire


Anna Blinstein

Borscht With Anna

Stacia Boatwright

Life of an Academic Technologist

Debbie Boden

Yes, But Why?

Jessica Bogie


Mary Bourassa

M^3 (Making Math Meaningful)

Which One Doesn’t Belong?

Stephanie Bowyer

…Except Math Teachers

Jennifer Brackney

Middle School

Andrew Browning-Couch

Social Inequalities

Brian Bushart

Teaching to the Beat of a Different Drummer

Tina Cardone

Drawing on Math

Nicholas Chan

Big Honkin’ WordPress

Jonathan Claydon

Infinite Sums

James Cleveland

The Roots of the Equation

Meg Craig

Insert Clever Math Pun Here

Christopher Danielson

Overthinking My Teaching

Talking Math With Your Kids

Jim Doherty

A Portrait of a Math Teacher as an Aging Man

Megan Dubee

Life in the (i)Lab

Ann Durham

Day by Day

Sadie Estrella

Who’s a Math Nerd? *Raising Hand*

Jennifer Fairbanks

8 Is My Lucky Number

Julia Finneyfrock

Designated Deriver

Graham Fletcher

Questioning My Metacognition

Kristen Fouss


Kathryn Freed

Restructuring Algebra

Andrew Gael

The Learning Kaleidoscope

John Golden

Math Hombre

Kristin Gray

Math Minds

Amy Gruen

Square Root of Negative One Teach Math

Tom Hall


Edmund Harriss

Maxwell’s Demon

Patterns of the Universe Coloring Book

Connie Haugneland

My Life Belongs to Him


Approximately Normal Experiences in Math

Lisa Henry

An “Old Math Dog” Learning New Tricks

Anna Hester

Type-A Mathland

Mary Hibbs

How I See Geometry

Alice Hsiao

Alice Hsiao

Bob Janes


Dylan Kane

Five Twelve Thirteen

Judy Keeney

3 Yellow Sand Pails

Rachel Kernodle

Sonata Mathematique

Heather Kohn

Growing Exponentially

Nathan Kraft

Nathan Kraft’s Blog

Mr. Kraft’s Wikispace

Paula Krieg

Playful Bookbinding and Paper Works

Judy Larsen

Judy Larsen

Chris Luzniak

CLopen Mathdebater

Sarah Martin

Math is a Journey

Audrey McLaren


Wendy Menard

Her Mathness

Brian Miller

Differentiating Differentiation

Elissa Miller


Melynee Naegele

mNm Math

Michelle Naidu

Between Me and the Door

Kate Nowak

Function of Time

Anya Ostapczuk

Teaching in Special Education

Alex Overwijk

Slam Dunk Math

Adam Paape

Renewed Curiosity

Jami Packer


Brian Palacios

Lazy Ocho

Tina Palmer

Palmer’s Ponderings

Nicole Paris

Inventing the Orangamellow

David Petersen

Long Tails of \int_e^r est

Andy Pethan

Fail Early and Often

Henri Picciotto

My Math Education Blog

Max Ray-Riek

The Max Ray Blog

Julie Reulbach

I Speak Math

Danielle Reycer

Math Teacher Nerds

Tony Riehl

Math We Can Use

Malke Rosenfeld

Math in Unexpected Spaces

Math in Your Feet

Heather Rosson


Jamie Rykse

Just Your Standard Deviation

David Sabol

The Rational Radical

Mark Sanford

Not an Ordinary Day

Renee Schley

Live Long and Learn

Megan Schmidt

Number Lovin’ Beagle

Jonathan Schoolcraft

Algebracraft: The Tales of a Rural High School Math Teacher

Joe Schwartz

Exit 10A

Sameer Shah

Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere

Denis Sheeran

Denis Sheeran

Chris Shore

The Math Projects Journal

Elizabeth Statmore

Cheesemonkey Wonders

Sean Sweeney

Sweeney Math

Gregory Taylor

Mathie x Pensive

Any ~Qs

Paula Torres

P Torres Blogger

Sara VanDerWerf

Sara VanDerWerf

Sue VanHattum

Math Mama Writes

Sara Vaughn


Jose Vilson


Glenn Waddell


Marissa Walczak

La Vie Mathematique

Jasmine Walker


Lane Walker

Math-World Liason

David Wees

The Reflective Educator

Pam Wilson

The Radical Rational…

Lisa Winer

Eat Play Math

Stephanie Woldum

Mrs. Woldum, I love Algebra!

Julie Wright

Sad Armadillo

Tracy Zager

Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You Had

Amy Zimmer

Ms. Z Teaches in Mathland


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