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TMC18 Morning Session Pages

Page history last edited by Steve Weimar 6 years ago

Here are the 2018 Morning Session Pages:

How Does Desmos Love Teachers? Let me count the ways!- Anna Scholl 

Lesson Study: How to Make Instructional Shifts Stick - Chase Orton

Fraction Boot Camp - Barb Weidus and Bob Batty

Embrace Variability! “Big Ideas” in Statistical Understanding. - Bob Lochel and Glenn Waddell 

Discovering Geometry through Drawing and Discussion from Verbal Cues at Whiteboards - Jennifer Fairbanks and Kathy Campbell 

Reimagining High School Mathematics -  Carl Oliver and Sadie Estrella

Talk Less, Smile More 3: Debate and Discussion in Math Class - Chris Luzniak and Matt Baker 

Uncovering Geometry Through Islamic Geometric Design - Megan Schmidt, Stephen Weimar, and Annie Perkins

Dynamic Geometry Using Desmos - Annie Fetter and David Petro

Taking a Knee in the Mathematics Classroom: Moving From Analysis to Action - Marian Dingle and Wendy Menard

We Have So Many Questions! - Mary Bourassa and Sheri Walker

Sports Analytics Investigations - Joel Bezaire

Make Professional Development Great Again - Michelle Naidu


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How Does Desmos Love Teachers? Let me count the ways! - Anna Scholl  

Lesson Study: How to Make Instructional Shifts Stick - Chase Orton 

Fraction Boot Camp - Barb Weidus and Bob Batty

Embrace Variability! “Big Ideas” in Statistical Understanding. - Bob Lochel and Glenn Waddell  

Discovering Geometry through Drawing and Discussion from Verbal Cues at Whiteboards - Jennifer Fairbanks and Kathy Campbell

Reimagining High School Mathematics -  Carl Oliver and Sadie Estrella

Talk Less, Smile More 3: Debate and Discussion in Math Class - Chris Luzniak and Matt Baker

Uncovering Geometry Through Islamic Geometric Design - Megan Schmidt, Stephen Weimar, and Annie Perkins

Dynamic Geometry Using Desmos - Annie Fetter and David Petro 

Taking a Knee in the Mathematics Classroom: Moving From Analysis to Action - Marian Dingle and Wendy Menard

We Have So Many Questions! - Mary Bourassa and Sheri Walker

Sports Analytics Investigations - Joel Bezaire 

Make Professional Development Great Again - Michelle Naidu 

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