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Thursday, July 19th
1:00 – 1:30 pm My Favorites
1:30 – 2:30 pm Keynote
Measures of Center - Marian Dingle (video)
2:45 – 3:45 pm Afternoon Sessions
Developing mathematicians through problem solving - Amie Albrecht
One Problem To Unite Them All - Aleda Klassen, Rhonda Hewer, and Jessica Bodnar
Promoting Equity through Math Talks - Anne Agostinelli
A Crash Course in Design Thinking (for educators) - Chris Nho and Benjamin Walker
The Great Leap: transitioning from lecture to a motivated and motivational classroom - Elizabeth Statmore
Wanna play? Online and Paper and Pencil Puzzles to Explore Critical Thinking,
Geometry Goodness - John O'Malley IV
The Coaching Stoplight: What to Keep, Change, Start, and Stop - Heather Kohn
Formative Assessment Lessons – Where Do I Begin? - Pam Wilson
Beyond Johnny Appleseed - Joe and Annie
Routines to Make Math More Playful and Social - Molly Rawding and Andrea Geglia
Getting that Graph Game So Right with Marbleslides - Sean Sweeney
Using GeoGebra in your Calculus class - Steve Phelps
4:00 – 4:30 pm Afternoon Sessions
Interactive Notebooks for All - Farica Erwin
Demos-ifying My Favorite No - Allison Krasnow
Let's Talk About SBG Baby! - Brianna Coughlan and Julian Rojas
Context, Strategies, and Filling First Graders' Toolkits - Becky Holden
Arcs & Eyes - Brian Miller
Let's Take a Math Field Trip! - Candace Bell
Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics: Initiating Critical Conversations - Robert Berry
Being Purposeful with Soft Skills. - Tom Hall and Casey McCormick
My year with MTBoS - ideas for my (non-AP) statistics class - Cori Colby
Teaching Abroad - What it's like and how to get started - Emily Sliman
Formative Assessment Lessons for 6-8 - Jill Price
Organizing What I Beg, Borrow, and Adapt from the MTBoS - Jenny White and Mary Willams
Functions come to life in Funville Adventures! - Sasha Fradkin
Friday, July 20th
9:00 – 9:30 am Morning My Favorites
1:00 – 1:30 pm Afternoon My Favorites
1:30 – 2:30 pm Keynote
Being a Teacher Leader, Let’s Build Up! - Julie Reulbach (video)
2:45 – 3:45 pm Afternoon Sessions
Math Intervention: A School-Wide Approach - Amy Gruen, James Bell, Mary Hibbs, and Cindy Zumbrunn
An Unconventional Approach to Planning: How Spacing Out Our Lessons Changed Our Classes - Anna Vance and Alli George
Strengthening Fraction Foundations through Number Talks - Anne Agostinelli
Introduction to Desmos Geometry - Annie Fetter and David Petro (Intro to Quads, Geo Hunt, David's Geo Activities)
Supporting ELL’s with High Quality Math Resources - Barbara Beske
Building a Flexible Standards-Based Classroom within a Traditional School Setting - Bob Janes
Mathematics and Voting - Bringing Social Studies into the Math Classroom - Daniel Carlson
Clothesline Math Grows Up: Functions on the Open Number Line - Chris Shore
Writing in the Math Class - Cindy Reagan
Our Adventure Through Project Based Learning - Madison Sandig and Carly Shellhammer
Increasing Metacognition in grades K-4: Help students learn to self-assess and monitor their own learning - Desiree Harrison
Living Proof: Enjoy Teaching 2-Column Proofs - Elissa Miller
Exploding Dots! - Kent Haines
Calculus for the Algebra Teacher - Jonathan Claydon
Play! (Making Games and Stations Fun and Purposeful) - Nicole Paris
4:00 – 5:00 pm Afternoon Sessions
Mathematical Ideas in the Game of SET - Amie Albrecht
Next Top Model for work with Polynomials - Anne Berger and Christina Sherman The Power of a Warmup Routine: building a culture of student ownership, joy, and freedom in the classroom - Becky Bob-Waksberg
Size Matters: Growing Our Understanding of a Unit...Fraction - Graham Fletcher
Small Group Instruction for Remediation and Enrichment - Jennifer Abel
Impossible? Maybe... - Sasha Fradkin
Sausages Without the Skin - Nik Doran and Max Ray-Riek
Unknown Unknowns: Uncovering and Leveraging Student Understandings-Joe Schwartz and Jamie Spinato
Strategies for Equitable Access to Algebra - Kathryn Freed and Tim Freed
Building Statistical Intuition Using CODAP - Shauna Hedgepeth (Hedge)
Wading into Inquiry Learning for Algebra - Lane Walker
Walking in Another's Shoes: Middle School Math Projects about Diversity and Social Justice - Liz Caffrey
Portfolios to Enhance Metacognition in Students - Megan Dubee
Saturday, July 21st
9:00 – 9:30 am Morning My Favorites
1:00 – 1:30 pm Afternoon My Favorites
1:30 – 2:30 pm Keynote
Mathematics isn't everywhere. It is more awesome than that. - Edmund Harris, John Golden, and Glenn Waddell, video.
2:45 – 3:45 pm Afternoon Sessions
Introduction to Delta Math - Zach Korzyk
MTBoS Book Club: Exploring Math & Social Justice - Annie Perkins and Marian Dingle
Re-igniting your colleagues' passion for learning. - Bob Batty and Anne Berger
Circle Round: Engaging Students Through Mathematical Storytelling - Brian Bushart.
Making Progress in K-8 Geometry - Chrissy Newell and Casey McCormick
You are here: Using maps to enrich tasks - David Sabol
Unveiling the Magic - Tina Cardone
The Case to Reason Why: Avoid Invert and Multiply- Jodie Bailey
Assessmos - Jonathan Claydon and Julie Reulbach
Anxiety, Mindset and Motivation: Bridging from research to practical classroom structures - Lisa Bejarano and Dylan Kane
Making Open Up Resources Our Own - Lydia Kirkman and Sara Vaughn
Activities for Tackling "Yucky" Algebra Topics - Bob Lochel
EL Strategies for the Secondary Math Classroom - Sara VanDerWerf
The Antidote to Poisoned Projects - Suzanne Clemons
4:00 – 5:00 pm Flex Sessions
The H-Word - Sara VanDerWerf
Sunday, July 22nd
9:00 – 11:00 am My Favorites
1:00 – 1:30 pm Afternoon My Favorites
1:30 – 2:30 pm Keynote
Measures of Center - Marian Dingle
2:45 – 3:45 pm Afternoon Sessions
Developing mathematicians through problem solving - Amie Albrecht
One Problem To Unite Them All - Aleda Klassen, Rhonda Hergott, and Jessica Bodnar
Promoting Equity through Math Talks - Anne Agostinelli
A Crash Course in Design Thinking (for educators) - Chris Nho and Benjamin Walker
The Great Leap: transitioning from lecture to a motivated and motivational classroom - Elizabeth Statmore
Wanna play? Online and Paper and Pencil Puzzles to Explore Critical Thinking,
Geometry Goodness - John O'Malley IV
The Coaching Stoplight: What to Keep, Change, Start, and Stop - Heather Kohn
Formative Assessment Lessons – Where Do I Begin? - Pam Wilson
Beyond Johnny Appleseed: How Can We Encourage the Spread of Sense-Making Strategies - Joe Schwartz and Annie Fetter
Routines to Make Math More Playful and Social - Molly Rawding and Andrea Geglia
Getting that Graph Game So Right with Marbleslides - Sean Sweeney
Using GeoGebra in your Calculus class - Steve Phelps
4:00 – 4:30 pm Afternoon Sessions
Interactive Notebooks for All - Farica Erwin
Demos-ifying My Favorite No - Allison Krasnow
Let's Talk About SBG Baby! - Brianna Coughlan and Julian Rojas
Context, Strategies, and Filling First Graders' Toolkits - Becky Holden
Arcs & Eyes - Brian Miller
Let's Take a Math Field Trip! - Candace Bell
Garden of Mathematical Resources - Frank Schorn
Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics: Initiating Critical Conversations - Robert Berry
Being Purposeful with Soft Skills. - Tom Hall and Casey McCormick
My year with MTBoS - ideas for my (non-AP) statistics class - Cori Colby
Teaching Abroad - What it's like and how to get started - Emily Sliman
Formative Assessment Lessons for 6-8 - Jill Price
Organizing What I Beg, Borrow, and Adapt from the MTBoS - Jenny White and Mary Willams
Functions come to life in Funville Adventures! - Sasha Fradkin
4:30 – 5:00 pm Speed Dating
9:00 – 9:30 am Morning My Favorites and Announcements
9:30 – 11:30 am Morning Sessions (same as Thursday)
11:30 am – 1:00 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:00 – 1:30 pm Afternoon My Favorites
1:30 – 2:30 pm Keynote
Being a Teacher Leader, Let’s Build Up! - Julie Reulbach
2:45 – 3:45 pm Afternoon Sessions
Math Intervention: A School-Wide Approach - Amy Gruen, James Bell, Mary Hibbs, and Cindy Zumbrunn
An Unconventional Approach to Planning: How Spacing Out Our Lessons Changed Our Classes - Anna Vance and Alli George
Strengthening Fraction Foundations through Number Talks - Anne Agostinelli
Introduction to Desmos Geometry - Annie Fetter and David Petro
Supporting ELL’s with High Quality Math Resources - Barbara Beske
Building a Flexible Standards-Based Classroom within a Traditional School Setting - Bob Janes
Mathematics and Voting - Bringing Social Studies into the Math Classroom - Daniel Carlson
Clothesline Math Grows Up: Functions on the Open Number Line - Chris Shore
Writing in the Math Class - Cindy Reagan
Our Adventure Through Project Based Learning - Madison Sandig and Carly Shellhammer
Increasing Metacognition in grades K-4: Help students learn to self-assess and monitor their own learning - Desiree Harrison
Living Proof: Enjoy Teaching 2-Column Proofs - Elissa Miller
Exploding Dots! - Kent Haines
Calculus for the Algebra Teacher - Jonathan Claydon
Play! (Making Games and Stations Fun and Purposeful) - Nicole Paris
4:00 – 5:00 pm Afternoon Sessions
Mathematical Ideas in the Game of SET - Amie Albrecht
Next Top Model for work with Polynomials - Anne Berger and Christina Sherman The Power of a Warmup Routine: building a culture of student ownership, joy, and freedom in the classroom - Becky Bob-Waksberg
Size Matters: Growing Our Understanding of a Unit...Fraction - Graham Fletcher
Small Group Instruction for Remediation and Enrichment - Jennifer Abel
Impossible? Maybe... - Sasha Fradkin
Sausages Without the Skin - Nik Doran and Max Ray-Riek
Unknown Unknowns: Uncovering and Leveraging Student Understandings - Joe Schwartz and Jamie Spinato
Strategies for Equitable Access to Algebra - Kathryn Freed and Tim Freed
Building Statistical Intuition Using CODAP - Shauna Hedgepeth (Hedge)
Wading into Inquiry Learning for Algebra - Lane Walker
Walking in Another's Shoes: Middle School Math Projects about Diversity and Social Justice - Liz Caffrey
Portfolios to Enhance Metacognition in Students - Megan Dubee
9:00 – 9:30 am Morning My Favorites and Announcements
9:30 – 11:30 am Morning Sessions (same as Thursday and Friday)
11:30 am – 1:00 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:00 – 1:30 pm Afternoon My Favorites
1:30 – 2:30 pm Keynote
Mathematics isn't everywhere. It is more awesome than that.
Edmund Harris, John Golden, and Glenn Waddell
2:45 – 3:45 pm Afternoon Sessions
Introduction to Delta Math - Zach Korzyk
MTBoS Book Club: Exploring Math & Social Justice - Annie Perkins and Marian Dingle
Re-igniting your colleagues' passion for learning. - Bob Batty and Anne Berger
Circle Round: Engaging Students Through Mathematical Storytelling - Brian Bushart
Making Progress in K-8 Geometry - Chrissy Newell and Casey McCormick
You are here: Using maps to enrich tasks - David Sabol
Unveiling the Magic - Tina Cardone
The Case to Reason Why: Avoid Invert and Multiply- Jodie Bailey
Assessmos - Jonathan Claydon and Julie Reulbach
Anxiety, Mindset and Motivation: Bridging from research to practical classroom structures - Lisa Bejarano and Dylan Kane
Making Open Up Resources Our Own - Lydia Kirkman and Sara Vaughn
Activities for Tackling "Yucky" Algebra Topics. - Bob Lochel
EL Strategies for the Secondary Math Classroom - Sara VanDerWerf
The Antidote to Poisoned Projects - Suzanne Clemons
4:00 – 5:00 pm Flex Sessions, TBD
9:00 – 11:00 am My Favorites and Closing
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