Files, articles and other goodies: Stats Google Drive folder
Awesome sites which allow us to process and explore data sets:
Art Of Stat
Apps from the Practice of Statistics
Stat Key
DAY 1: Variability
Can You Beat Usian Bolt?
Reaction Time Data
Dice lab for amazing dice
DAY 2: Sampling
Ross-Chance Applets
The teacher version of Bob's Sampling exercise
Bob's blog post about Sampling Stars
"Does Sugar Make Kids Hyper" video
A different applet for visualizing what sampling does (and CLT)
DAY 3: A Touch of Inference
"Best Practices Night" from the AP reading
Does Beyonce Write Her Own Lyrics?, from StatsMedic
Unique words in rap songs
Glenn's image used in class regular.
What would happen if you sampled from a distribution that looked like this?
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