After a brief introduction to the six facets of stickiness based on ideas from Teaching That Sticks and Made To Stick, we're going to focus a LOT on brainstorming during this session about ways to infuse our lessons and activities using the idea of stickiness — that sometimes elusive quality that helps students retain an idea. By understanding the six dimensions of what makes ideas "sticky," you can more deliberately and predictably add a quality of stickiness to your activities and ideas that will make them easier for students to retain.
We're going to use an INB (Interactive Notebook) as a structure for creating your own personal "playbook" for cultivating stickiness so that when you feel stuck during the school year, you have a handy — and hopefully cheering and inspiring — reference book.
Megan Hayes-Golding and I are cooperating in our use of INBs at TMC13, so you'll be able to use one composition book for both her Interactive Notebook jamboree and my session on Stickiness. We're encouraging participants to use a single INB for both sessions. Megan's session will use the first ~100 pages pages of your composition notebook and my session will use the last 100 pages. So you can plan on having your Stickiness Playbook start on page 101 of your comp book and go on from there.
Recommended Materials
• composition notebook
• Scotch tape (or tape roller)
• pencil or ball point pen for taking notes/writing
• colored pencils or pens
• lessons, topics, concepts, and/or skills you have trouble helping your students retain
• calculator (optional)
I will provide the rest, including a nifty foldable!
Math Teaching That Sticks cheesemonkeysf TMC-13.pdf
math teaching that sticks game cards green copy.pdf
math teaching that sticks game cards purple.pdf
math teaching that sticks game cards teal copy.pdf
07 Aug 13
Article from SFoodie (regular food blog from the SF Weekly) about the persistently sticky myth of cabbies refusing to pick up fares from in front of The Stinking Rose (famous Italian garlic-themed restaurant in North Beath):
This is the page where I'm putting my notes, links, resources, and other stuff for my session on using the ideas from Teaching That Sticks and Made To Stick. That way I won't clutter up all the other TMC 13 pages. Feel free to snuffle around.
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