Name Blog
Justin Aion Re-Learning to Teach
Jennifer Almeida
Karim Ani Mathalicious Blog
Corinn Auld
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Claire Baxter
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James Bell
Kathryn Belmonte
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Vanessa Brown
Mary Brown
Jennifer Brueske
Jedidiah Butler
Tina Cardone Drawing on Math
John Chapin
Jonathan Claydon Infinite Sums
James Cleveland The Roots of the Equation
Donna Conley
Meghan Craig
Jenn Crase
Lelia Culpepper
Carla Dalton
Christopher Danielson Overthinking My Teaching;
Mark Dittmer
Jim Doherty
Nik Doran Maths is Not a Spectator Sport
Sadie Estrella Who's a Math Nerd? *raising hand*
Amy Fine
Daniel Forrester
Kathryn Freed
Andrew Funkhouser
John Golden
Kailee Gray
Amy Gruen Square Root of Negative One Teach Math
Sarah Hagan
Seth Harkins
Edmund Harriss Maxwell's Demon
Viktoria Hart
Connie Haugneland My Life Belongs to Him
Sierra Haury
Dianna Hazelton
Hedge Approximately Normal (in the Classroom)
Elizabeth Helfant
Lisa Henry An "Old Math Dog" Learning New Tricks
Brad Hepner
Jessie Hester
Anna Hester
Mary Hibbs
Gregory Hitt Sarcasymptote
Amy Houser
Julia Hughes
Kate Isaac
Cindy Johnson
Kristen Joyal
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Bridget Kapala
Judy Keeney 3 Yellow Sand Pails
Cortni Kemlage
Morgan Kent
Rachel Kernodle Sonata Mathematique
Karen Kimberling
Lydia Kirkman
Heather Kohn Growing Exponentially
Nathan Kraft Out Rockin' Constantly, Mr. Kraft's Wikispace
Matt Lane Mathalicious Blog
Michelle Lange
Justin Lanier I Choose Math, Math Munch
Ann Lawrence
Steve Leinwand
Lori Likens
Lee Lindsay
Rochelle Lively
Bob Lochel mathcoachblog
Denise Locke
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Jami Packer Undefined
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Levi Patrick
Jillan Paulen Laplace Transforms for Life
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David Petersen Long Tails of \int_e^r est
Rebecka Peterson
Andy Pethan
Adrian Pumphrey
Max Ray The Max Ray Blog
Julie Reulbach I Speak Math
April Rogozinski Reflections From an Asymptote
Christy Roitz
Rachel Rosales Purple Pronto Pups (My World of Teaching)
Malke Rosenfeld
Anthony Rossetti Solve and Simplify
Heather Rosson
Teresa Ann Ryan
Jamie Rykse Just Your Standard Deviation
Summer Sartain
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Raj Shah Math Plus Academy Blog
Sam Shah Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere
Chris Shore The Math Projects Journal
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Sheri Walker
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Laura Williams
Pam Wilson The Radical Rational...
Jake Winfield
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