
2015 Comings and Goings Morning Session (1)

Page history last edited by Jennifer Bell 9 years, 7 months ago

Session Description:


Are you an elementary or middle school teacher who has wondered, “Why do my students need to know this?”

Are you a middle or high school teacher who has wondered, “Didn’t they learn anything about this in earlier years?”


In teaching it’s crucial to know both where our students are coming from and where they are going. But the people who teach young kids and older students often don’t even work in the same building. How can we help struggling high school students, and what matters most in the elementary years? In this session we’ll bring math teachers for students of all ages together to build deep knowledge about the math that our students are learning.


In each day of this three-day session we’ll look at a different topic that cuts across the curriculum. Topics may include: proportional reasoning, the distributive property and area. Our goal is for every participant to leave this session with some new questions and serious food for thought. Come draw connections across grade levels, deepen your curricular understanding, better understand the CCSS, write great problems for students of all ages and be part of a one-of-a-kind conversation.



Jennifer Bell

Tina Cardone

Brian Stockus

(Remote: Michael Pershan)




Big Ideas Article


CCSS Math Standards

OR Android Mastery Connect App

OR iTunes Mastery Connect App


Google Doc Folder for group work


Exit Ticket Padlet (Password: TMC15)





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