
TMC15 Presentations

Page history last edited by Megan Schmidt 9 years, 6 months ago

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

1:00 - 1:30 pm

Invitation to Participate - Diana Fesmire

Invitation to Participate in MTBoS Study - Judy Larsen

Varsity Math - Jonathan Claydon

Neuron Stickers, Brain Surgeon, and Wrinkle Sprinkles - Chris Shore


1:30 – 2:30 pm

Growing our own practice: How mathematics teachers can use social media to support ongoing improvement - Lani Horn 

Growing Our Own Practice (Part 1) - Lani Horn

Growing Our Own Practice (Part 2) - Lani Horn


2:45 – 3:45 pm

Using Scratch to Explore Geometry - Dan Anderson

Formative Assessment & Feedback at Scale - Peg Cagle

Nix the Tricks - Tina Cardone

A Truly "Hands-On" Approach to Teaching the Distributive Property for Understanding - Dave Chamberlain

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Video Games - Matt Lane

More than Mistakes! - Nicole Paris

Planning Units using the MTBoS - Bree Pickford-Murray

Accepting Our Powerlessness in the Classroom - Megan Schmidt

Looking in the Rear View Mirror: Thoughts on Successes and Failures with New Courses - Sam Shah, Julie Reulbach, Brendan Kinnell

Math Coaches Round Table - Chris Shore

Math Mistakes and Error Analysis: Diamonds in the Rough - Andrew Stadel

Numberless Word Problems - Brian Bushart


4:00 – 4:30 pm

Socratic Seminars in Math Class - Matt Baker

Integers - Now THIS makes sense! - Deborah Boden

Half Hour of Cool - Sadie Estrella

Why Number Talks in Elementary Classes? - Chris Harris

Learning Math, Learning English, or Learning Both? - Heather Kohn

Debate That! An Introduction to Debate in Math Class - Chris Luzniak

Creating a Family Math Night - Sarah Martin

Head Over Heels: Adventures in Flipping a Classroom - Sandra Miller

Organizing the Math Twitter Blogosphere (MTBoS) - Eric Milou

Linking Algebra and Geometry - Jasmine Walker

Feedback Quizzes: Using Detailed, Written Formative Assessment to Promote Low-Stress Learning - Julie Wright


Friday, July 24, 2015

9:00 - 9:30 am

MTBoS Search Engine - John Stevens

Math Coloring Book - Edmund Harris

Personal Whiteboards - Keeping Stuff Organized - Tina Palmer

High Five Greetings - Glenn Waddell

3D Desmos Designs - Heather Kohn 


1:00 - 1:30 pm

Rally For Roatan - Chris Shore

Google Classroom - Anna Blinstein


1:30 – 2:30 pm 

Math from the Heart, Not the Textbook – Christopher Danielson

Math from the Heart, Not the Textbook (Part 1) - Christopher Danielson

Math from the Heart, Not the Textbook (Part 2) - Christopher Danielson


2:45 – 3:45 pm

Planning: A Year, A Unit, A Lesson - Lisa Bejarano and Heather Kohn

Function Transformations Without Tears - Meg Craig

Supporting Small Group Instruction with Math Workstations - Sadie Estrella and Mitzi Hasegawa

Better Questions: Ours/Our Students’ - Rachel Kernodle

What do You Think and Why? Supporting Students in Sharing their Ideas - Ilana Horn

A Full Scale Math Debate: Using a Debate as a Summative Assessment- Chris Luzniak

Exploring Opportunities (or Obligations) for Leadership, Advocacy and Stewardship Without Leaving the Classroom - Peg Cagle and Levi Patrick

Practical Formative Assessment Strategies - John Scammell

Unanswerable Questions: The Key to Building Statistical Thinkers - Denis Sheeran

Tools for Building Number Sense and Problem Solving - Andrew Stadel, Graham Fletcher and Norma Gordon (virtual)

A New Experiment: Sports Research for CCSS - William Thill

Making Videos for the Classroom - Paula Torres


4:00 – 5:00 pm

The Mandelbrot Set Viewed through Precalculus - Dan Anderson

Understanding Our World Beyond the Numbers: Insights of Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice - Rachel Bates

Writing a Book: Why? and How? - Katherine Bryant

Young Mathematicians and The Thrill of Mathematical Discovery - Federico Chialvo

Modified Flipped Math Classroom (High School) - Princess Choi

Improve Your Questioning Skills to Formatively Assess Student Understanding - Robert Kaplinsky

Join a Conversation with NCTM! - Matt Larson

Agree or Disagree? Starting a Fight In Your Math Class - Tim McCaffrey

Planning and Assess-Respond-Instruct Cycle in Mathematics - Michelle Naidu

Barbie Bungee - Fawn Nguyen and Matt Vaudrey

SBG for Beginners and Beyond - David Petersen (@calcdave), Anna Hester (@TypeAMathLand), Lisa Soltani (@lisasolt)

Teaching the 8 Practices - Chris Shore


Saturday, July 25, 2015

9:00 - 9:30 My Favorites

My Favorite:  My Favorite - Dan Anderson

My Favorite Warm Up - Denis Sheeran

Industry Math (Video)- Brian Miller


1:00 - 1:30 My Favorites

An Egg-Cellent Simulation - Bob Lochel

#FirstLikeThird and Delta Math - Matt Baker

Kahoot! (Video) - Julie Reulbach


1:30 – 2:30 pm  

Teacher Woman, Because Teacher Man is Taken – Fawn Nguyen

Teacher Woman (Part 1) - Fawn Nguyen

Teacher Woman (Part 2) - Fawn Nguyen


2:45 – 3:45 pm

K-12 Fraction Fun - Jennifer Bell

Transformations: A Visual Understanding - Jedidiah Butler

Inverting a Chessboard: Inversive Geometry For Mere Mortals: the Math Behind a Twitter Avatar - Bruce Cohen
Arithmetic to Algebra: Key Building Blocks in Abstract Thinking - Dylan Kane

Making Math Fun for Elementary Students - Cortni Kemlage

Tackling Those Tricky Stats Concepts - Bob Lochel

Teaching in a Vertical Classroom - Alex Overwijk

Tiny Bits of Social Justice, How We Are Working Towards More Intentional, Inclusive Safe Spaces- Anne Schwartz

Getting Students to Argue in Class with Number Sense Activities - Andrew Stadel

Swan-Style Task Factory - Elizabeth Statmore

What Do I Do with all this Cool Sh!t? - Matt Vaudrey and John Stevens

4:00 – 5:00 pm

Number Talks in Middle and High School - Chris Harris

Flex Sessions 




Sunday, July 26, 2015

My Favorites (selected videos from a no-skills videographer):

Amy's Sum Of Sin and Cos Foldable PPT




TMC My Favorites (excluding Sunday)

TMC Keynotes

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